“A rock pile ceases to be a rock pile the moment a single man contemplates it, bearing within him the image of a cathedral.”
— Antoine de Saint-Exupery
We love and appreciate all modes of expression that inspire growth. We recognize that your life is busy and full of shifting priorities, but we also see your burning desire to express and showcase your creations, talents, and insights. We recognize the need for innovative outlets that allow folks like you to connect with readers, listeners, and potential customers with ease. We have created a safe and simple evironment in which your insights can be shared through our blog, your artwork can be marketed and sold via our online shop*, and your podcasts can be produced and pushed out to various platforms and shared on our pod* page. Because this process is an act of co-creation, the mutual exchange of support allows for these opportunities to be monetarily FREE (see exceptions below). If you have something that you'd like to put out into the world but you haven't been sure how, we'd love to hear from you explore how we can work together.
Co-Creation Opportunities
Share your views, experiences, and insights!​ We invite you to submit your piece(s) for review. Upon determining that the content is aligned with the values of the LIM Collective, we will post your content for FREE in exchange for a mention on your social media or email platform of choice. As a regular contributor (2 or more posts) you will be invited in as a member of the collective and will be featured on our collective page. Click here to schedule a call to learn more.
Artwork Prints
​This world has so much creative talent that often does not get to be seen or shared simply because a person's pursuit of stability has caused the act of creating art to be categorized as a hobby instead of a profession. Whether you have one work or multiple, we'd love to work together to promote your gift. As a recognized artist on this platform, you will be added as a member of the collective. Your work and personal website or portfolio will be marketed for FREE. All sales of prints processed through the Live in the Momentum Shop will receive a percentage of the commission that will be used to support prospective shadow work clients experiencing financial hardship. Click here to schedule a call to learn more.
Podcasting is simpler than every these days. What's not so simple is gaining listeners through active marketing. We want to share what you have to say and support you in your efforts to reach those looking for your specific messages. By including a short line about the LIM Collective and our services somewhere in your podcast, we will promote and publish your podcast for FREE. If additional support is needed such as audio production, graphic design, or education around how to do this yourself, service fees will apply. Click here to schedule a call to learn more.
*The shop and podcast are currently taking a break but will resume opperations soon.